Today was a first for me. A kind of tough first. Today, Jon and I went to the library, although I've been to the library many times, it was the first time I went and did not visit the adult fiction section.
Now that I have realized my dream of being an entrepreneur I'm trying to figure out how to go about chasing this dream of mine. Simply figuring out that I wanted to do this with my life was a two year long process. Since graduating collage with a BFA, I have been searching for a job, and been wholly unsuccessful. There is a specific way I was taught how to be an artist. Which involves writing press releases, somehow convincing galleries to show my work and then getting collectors to buy the work and giving the gallery 50% of your profit, all while continuing to create work around whatever job you have to do to pay your bills. It all sounded so horrible to me. But there is a really wonderful thing about our culture today, there are no rules when it comes to making a way for yourself in the world. I don't have to be content with a 9-5 job, I don't have to write a business plan and get a loan, or open a storefront. I don't have to go to business school to run a business.
To tell you the truth, I never thought I would choose this. When I was in high school I had a class on economics, it was taught by this older man with white hair, a large belly, and coke bottle glasses. It was always the goal of us students to get the teacher going on a rant about some unrelated topic so we would get out of doing any actual work. Often he would tell us about the businesses he and his wife owned, on top of his part time teaching job. He would tell us how many hours he worked, how hard it was to run these businesses. It sounded awful. Why would I not want to just get a job that came with benefits? I was very disenchanted with entrepreneurship. What I've realized in my research thus far, is that I don't have to do business the way my high school teacher did. I can go about it in a way that works for me, and even if I have to work those long hours, I will be doing exactly what I want to do. I choose this work and I enjoy it. What more could I want from a career?
So as it turns out, the book I've been reading, called "The $100 Start Up", was put on hold by another library patron so, I had to return it. I did however, find several books that look promising in helping to guide me through running my business. One called "The Rebel Entrepreneur, Rewriting the Business Rulebook" I'm particularly excited about! That's how I'm really viewing myself, as a Rebel Entrepreneur, and I couldn't be more excited about this new chapter in my life!
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